Course Description

Over 65 minutes and 13 videos, "Strategic Logic Trees" shows you how to provide early structure in framing confusing problems, project roadblocks, etc.

The course introduces the often-overlooked Mind Map, the robust OR Tree, and the heavily quantitative Dupont tree. It also covers the best way to structure any presentation (Minto’s Pyramid Principle) and shows how to bring this forward in time to structure any qualitative problem solving activity.

Particularly useful when working with colleagues from different professional backgrounds, personality traits, and strategic problem solving abilities.

Fred Pelard

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Strategic Logic Trees

  • 2

    Buzan's Mind Maps

    • Mind Maps (overview)

    • Mind Maps (in practice)

    • Mind Maps (examples)

  • 3

    Dupont's Method

    • Dupont Tree (overview)

    • Dupont Tree (in practice)

    • Dupont Tree (example)

  • 4

    Minto's Pyramid Principle

    • Minto at the Point of Conviction

    • Minto at the Point of Clarity (part 1)

    • Minto at the Point of Clarity (part 2)

    • Minto (examples)

  • 5


    • Summary of Strategic Logic Trees