Course Description

Over 60 minutes and 14 videos, "Essentials of Landscape Analysis" covers some of the most useful tools of analytical strategy, and more importantly, how to extract the maximum insight from these to get buy in from stakeholders.

The 6 Key Tools of Demand-side Analysis range over market analysis and customer analysis, and introduce notions such as market maturity, customer purchase criteria, and life-time value of customers.

The 6 Key Tools of Supply-side Analysis range over competitor analysis and company analysis, and introduce notions such as relative cost position, competitive advantages and profitability levels.

Fred Pelard

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Demand-side Analysis

    • Mekkos

    • Size Growth

    • Humpy Pareto

    • Conversion Waterfall

    • Seasonality

    • Channel Maps

  • 3

    Supply-side Analysis

    • Industry Skyline

    • Share Gain Line

    • Industry Stock Chart

    • GPS Chart

    • Margin Bridge

    • 2D Benchmarking

  • 4


    • Summary of Landscape Analysis